MinecraftTLA Wiki

RaiseEarth can be used as a utility, offensive, or defensive move. This ability will allow the EarthBender to create either a column of earth where he points, which be used to shoot him up, or a wall, which can serve as defense. You can also bring these up underneath your opponents to deal some indirect damage. (Based on fall damage / other factors)

Players: How to use[]

To use RaiseEarth, the first thing you will want to do is bind the ability, this can be done with the following command:

/bending bind RaiseEarth

Once the ability is bound, you can begin to use immediately. Click on an Earthbendable block to send a column straight up out of the ground. Alternatively, you can sneak (Default:Shift) to bring up a wall of Earth in front of you. This could be used as defense, offense, or utility.

For more information on how to use this ability, use the in-game help:

/bending help RaiseEarth

Admins: Permissions[]

By default, all Earthbenders will be able to use the RaiseEarth ability. If you wish to run a more advanced permissions setup, you can use the following node:


If you wish to take away this ability from a user, you will have to negate the permission. To negate the permission, you will have to add some symbol in front of the permission node. For more information see the documentation for your permissions plugin of choice.

You can edit the permissions for all Earthbending moves using this:


Admins: Configuration[]

You can configure the height of the column and the width and height of the walls. This is split into two sections, one for the column, and one for the wall. Let's start with the column. Search for this in your config:

      Height: 6

You can adjust the height to your liking. Once finished, find the EarthWall options, they'll look like this.

      Range: 15
      Height: 8
      Width: 6

With EarthWall you can edit a little bit more. You can edit the Range, Height, and Width. All of these are self explanatory. The range being how far away you can be from the EarthWall when you bring it up, the height is the height of the wall, and the width is... the width.

Note: When editing yml files, spacing is crucial. Always use spaces instead of tabs to prevent errors.
